SPARK Talks are Short, Provocative, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Knowledgeable videos of leaders in suicide prevention. Each describes a new development or direction in the field that can have an impact on suicide and issues a call to action.
Displaying 11 results.

The Suicide Prevention Movement
Jerry Reed, PhD, MSW,
Jerry Reed offers a new way to help individuals - and the movement as a whole - move forward.

Person-Centered Care
John Draper, PhD,
John Draper challenges traditional ideas about what the “best care” for people at risk of suicide is and champions a transformative perspective.

Zero Suicide in Health and Behavioral Health Care
Michael Hogan, PhD,
Michael Hogan describes how the Zero Suicide approach aims to improve care and outcomes for individuals in health care systems who are at risk of suicide.

Suicide Postvention as Suicide Prevention
Ken Norton, LICSW,
Ken Norton discusses the role of “postvention” not only as a response to what has happened, but also as protection against and preparation for what could happen.

Using Data to Prevent Suicide
Alex Crosby, MD, MPH,
In these two essential short videos, Dr. Alex Crosby explains why data is critical to suicide prevention and where to find the data you need.

Engaging Suicide Attempt Survivors
Barb Gay, MA,
In this four-minute video, attempt survivor and community mental health provider Barb Gay shares how survivors of suicide attempts can help us improve prevention, transform care, and save lives.

Prevention Paradigm for Native Americans
Doreen Bird, MPH,
As a Native American with expertise in public health, Doreen Bird describes how to effectively work with Native populations to prevent suicide.

Safe Reporting on Suicide
Dan Reidenberg explains the way in which the media covers suicide can impact the lives of others at risk. TV producer Candice Madsen shows that it’s possible to offer hope and also boost ratings.

Common Ground: Reducing Gun Access
In this compelling talk, find out how public health professionals like Cathy Barber have partnered with gun shop owners like Ralph Demicco to prevent suicide.

Men in the Middle Years
Jeff Sung, MD,
Jeff Sung sheds light on a population with a suicide rate that is more than double the national average: men between the ages of 35 and 64.

Reaching Older Adults
Jo Anne Sirey, PhD,
Jo Anne Sirey stresses the importance of integrating mental health into aging service programs, such as senior centers.