SPRC's library of suicide prevention programs and interventions that incorporate best practices...
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- For suicide prevention programs and interventions, including upstream programs and interventions, visit SPRC’s Best Practices Registry.
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Displaying 148 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.
A Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary and Resources
This document was developed by ensuring that local policies are in line with the latest researc...
Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth
Healthy mental, emotional and behavioral development are protective against suicide. The public...
Preventing Suicide: A Community Engagement Toolkit
This toolkit is a step-by-step guide for people who would like to initiate suicide prevention a...
Adolescent connectedness has lasting effects
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Mental Health Providers
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Teachers
The practical playbook II: Building multisector partnerships that work
This book expands upon work of the Institute of Medicine commissioned by the Centers for Diseas...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
After a school tragedy: Readiness, response, recovery & resources
This resource helps schools support students and families in the aftermath of violence and trau...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Coping after suicide loss: Tips for grieving adults, children and schools
This resource provides guidance on how to cope with one's own emotions after the suicide d...
YRBSS methods
This website provides the latest CDC report describing the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Sys...
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools, Second Edition
SAMHSA’s Evidence-based practices resource center
The way forward: Federal action for a system that works for all people living with SMI and SED and their families and caregivers – Full report
This federal Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC) report to...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Making the connection: Suicidal thoughts and behaviors and academic grades
Data from the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicates that students that student wit...
Resource List/Bibliography
Youth suicide and self-harm prevention: 2017 resource guide
This guide divides selected resources into seven main sections: (1) Organizations, (2) Policy a...
Problem-Solving Therapy (PST)
Good Behavior Game (GBG)
SOS Signs of Suicide Middle School and High School Prevention Programs
Friend2Friend is a 25-minute, online, interactive training program for high schoo...
Making Educators Partners in Youth Suicide Prevention: ACT on FACTS
Tools from the CAPT: Increasing cultural competence to reduce behavioral health disparities
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel, developed by the ...
Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines
These guidelines provide a unified, far-reaching blueprint for the development of suicide postv...
Healing of the canoe: Preliminary results of a culturally grounded intervention to prevent substance abuse and promote tribal identity for native youth in two Pacific Northwest tribes
This article describes a culturally grounded social skills intervention to promote increased cu...
Screening/Assessing Students: Indicators and Tools
Coming together to care: A suicide prevention and postvention toolkit for Texas communities
This 2015 update to the suicide prevention and postvention toolkit focuses on safe suicide care...
Riverside Trauma Center postvention guidelines
This document offers guidelines for schools, organizations, and communities to follow after a s...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Don’t do it alone: A school system rises to the challenge of three student suicides
Larry Berkowitz, EdD, director of Riverside Trauma Center, discusses developing a school postve...
Resource List/Bibliography
Resources for Suicide Postvention Planning
This SPRC resource lists postvention resources, including information appropriate for particula...
CDC epi-aid report on youth suicide in Fairfax county
Responding to a possible suicide cluster of youth suicides (7 deaths over 3 years) the CDC cond...
Texas suicide safer schools
This report is designed to assist Texas educators to know the incidence of youth suicide and to...
KnowBullying: Put the power to prevent bullying in your hand
Bullying is a risk factors for suicide ideation, suicidal behavior and suicide. This mobile app...
PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd Edition)
The PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd E...
The Way Forward: Pathways to hope, recovery, and wellness with insights from lived experience
This guide offers information on how to create a sustainable program for survivors of suicide a...
Networks for Life: An Educator's Role in Youth Suicide Prevention
Networks for Life: An Educator’s Role in Youth Suicide Prevention is a 3-hour t...
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide (formerly known as ...
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention is a two-day training program that p...
Leading change 2.0: Advancing the behavioral health of the nation, 2015–2018
The strategic plan outlines six strategic initiatives for meeting SAMHSA's mission, new and exi...
Resource List/Bibliography
Suicide Postvention as Suicide Prevention
This sheet contains resources from which you can learn more about how suicide postvention can b...
HIPAA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health
This guide addresses some of the more frequently asked questions about when it is appropriate u...
Illinois gatekeeper evaluation reports
These evaluation reports describe before and after survey results among K-12 staff and campus f...
Creating Suicide Safety in Schools
Journey to Wellness
Journey to Wellness (J2W) is an eight-week wellness program for American Indian y...
The FIRE Within: Youth Entrepreneurs Preventing Suicide
Step In, Speak Up!: Supporting LGBTQ Students
Kognito Step In, Speak Up!:Supporting LGBTQ Students is a 25-minute, online, inte...
Program/Practice , Video/Audio Recording
Real Teenagers Talking about Depression: A Video-Based Study Guide
Developed by Erika’s Lighthouse, Real Teenagers Talking about Depression: A Video-Ba...
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop is a 1-hour interactive workshop for middle school, hig...
Know the signs
Know the Signs is a California-wide suicide prevention social marketing campaign built on three...
TAP 33: Systems-level implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT)
Describes core elements of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) pro...
Media guidelines for bullying prevention
These guidelines for bullying prevention were developed in partnership with a wide range of beh...
Trauma-informed approaches: Federal activities and initiatives
This report documents the projects, programs, and initiatives of more than three dozen federal ...
Sequestration: The impact on the most at-risk population – Native youth
Describes the impact of cuts to federal programs serving native youth as a result of sequestra...
Cultural and linguistic competence toolkit
This toolkit is based on a model of three interconnected arches: organizational structure, enga...
At-Risk for Middle School Educators
Kognito At-Risk for Middle School Educators is a 50-minute, online, interact...
Break Free from Depression: A 4-Session Curriculum Addressing Adolescent Depression
Developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, Break Free from Depression is a s...
Connect Youth Leaders: Partnering with Adults in Youth Suicide Prevention
Developed by NAMI NH, Youth Leaders is a two-day training for youth leaders ...
QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention
Kognito At-Risk for High School Educators
LEADS: For Youth (Linking Education and Awareness of Depression and Suicide)
Youth Suicide Prevention Referral and Tracking Toolkit
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Putting knowledge into action to prevent violence
One of a series of actionable knowledge briefs to help integrate research into suicide preventi...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: A public health issue
One of a series of actionable knowledge briefs to help integrate research into suicide preventi...
Preventing suicide: A toolkit for high schools
This toolkit provides information on how to reduce suicide risk among high school students.
Understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and intersex youth
Presenters discuss the importance of changing perceptions, practices, and culture to address th...
THRIVE media campaign suicide prevention materials
The THRIVE media campaign provides free suicide prevention posters and a fact sheet geared towa...
Understanding and overcoming the challenges faced by LGBTQI youth in schools and communities
This webinar presents an overview of the challenges that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Q...
Recommendations for School-Based Suicide Prevention Screening
LifeSavers Training
LifeSavers Training is a three-day suicide and crisis prevention program that tra...
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength, a universal suicide prevention program, is designed to build protective in...
How Not To Keep A Secret
Developed by Youth Health Connection (YHC), How Not To Keep A Secret (HNTKAS...
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum is an interactive classroom-based suicid...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Memorials: Special considerations when memorializing an incident
This fact sheet was adapted from Memorial activities at school: A list of “do’s” and ...
Bullying and youth suicide: Breaking the connection
This article in the publication, Principal Leadership, discusses the link between bullying and ...
Suicide in the U.S.: Finding pathways to prevention
This videocast of a discussion panel convened by the National Institute of Mental Health in obs...
Resource List/Bibliography
Measuring bullying victimization, perpetration, and bystander experiences: A compendium of assessment tools
This compendium provides researchers, prevention specialists, and health educators with tools t...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping children and youth who have experienced traumatic events: Mental Health Awareness Day, May 3, 2011
This fact sheet explains how traumatic events can affect children’s well-being and behavior a...
School Suicide Prevention Accreditation
Gryphon Place Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program-A Middle School Curriculum
Postvention standards manual: A guide for a school's response in the aftermath of a sudden death
The following manuals are undergoing revisions and will be made available as soon as they h...
The Wisconsin components of school-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention model
Outlines essential components, and provides guidelines and procedures for schools to follow for...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
When a student seems dangerous to self or others
This one-page information sheet provides specific guidance to schools on how to respond when a ...
Save a Friend: Tips for Teens to Prevent Suicide
This webpage discusses risk factors related to traumatic events, warning signs for suicide amon...
Preventing suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: Developing LGBT cultural competence
Lists criteria for agencies, schools and the individuals who work for them to assess LGBT cultu...
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death is a 170-page m...
LOOK LISTEN LINK: A Health Curriculum for Middle School
Developed in Washington State, LOOK LISTEN LINK is a curriculum designed for middle school-aged...
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills (RY) is a school-based preven...
Developed by mental health professionals and educators with funding from the National Institute...
Lifelines Curriculum
The Lifelines Prevention student curriculum (formerly known as the Lifelines Curri...
Ask 4 Help Suicide Prevention for Youth
Developed by Yellow Ribbon, Ask 4 Help! is a one-hour high school-based curriculum tha...
Helping Every Living Person (HELP) Depression and Suicide Prevention Curriculum
Developed by Washington State, the Helping Every Living Person: Depression and Suicide Prev...
Suicide postvention in the school community
These 51 slides discuss considerations for postvention that involve all school personnel. Topic...
School-based suicide prevention: A matter of life and death
This video is a helpful tool to use with school decision makers regarding the need for school-b...
Suicide clusters and contagion: Recognizing and addressing suicide contagion are essential to successful suicide postvention efforts
This article describes the problem of contagion and the ways that administrators can act to pre...
Call to action to prevent youth suicide
This webpage describes the problem of suicide in youth and the leadership role school psycholog...
Youth suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention guidelines: A resource for school personnel
This guide describes the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention program....
Preventing teen suicide: A review of school-based strategies
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. This pres...
Maine's approach to school-based suicide prevention
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, January 5-9, 2009, Phoenix, AZ. This pres...
Creating competent communities for youth suicide prevention
Presentation that reviews the benefits of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention progr...
Healthy Education for Life Program (HELP)
Developed by HeartLine, Inc., HELP is a suicide awareness program that targets youth 10 to 24 y...
Multisystemic Therapy With Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric)
Multisystemic Therapy with Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric) is a psychological treatment ...
Connect Suicide Postvention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, the Connect Suicide Postvention program inc...
No longer alone: A resource manual for rural sexual minority youth and the adults who serve them
This resource manual assists concerned adults in creating safe environments for rural gay youth...
Addressing self-injury in the school setting
Journal of School Nursing. 2008 Jun; 24(3): 124-30. A comprehensive plan for school nurses and ...
Managing school crises: More than just response
These recommendations provide a brief overview of the National Association of School Psychologi...
Responding to crisis at a school
This extensive (161 pages) resource aid provides guidance on crisis planning and response as we...
Suicide awareness training for faculty and staff: A training model for school counselors
This article provides a step-by-step model for mental health professionals to use and adapt for...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Tips for teachers: Teen depression and suicide
This sample tip sheet provides guidance on how teachers can recognize depression or risk of sui...
High School Gatekeeper Curriculum
Developed by Gryphon Place, the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A High School C...
Response: A Comprehensive High School-based Suicide Awareness Program (2nd Edition)
RESPONSE is a comprehensive high school-based program that increases awareness ab...
American Indian Life Skills (AILS)
American Indian Life Skills (AILS) is a universal, school-based, culturally grounded, life-skil...
Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention pro...
School mental health: Role of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and factors affecting service provision
This report describes: SAMHSA’s coordination with other federal departments and agencies to s...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: School Health Policies and Programs Study
School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted t...
CAST (Coping and Support Training)
CAST (Coping and Support Training) is a school-based small group counseling program for at-risk...
The hexagon tool
This tool can help you select evidence-based programs by reviewing six broad factors related to...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
School awareness series: The role of the school board in suicide prevention
This one-page fact sheet provides guidance to school board members on how they can ensure that ...
Suicide prevention (Quick training aids)
This quick training aid provides a brief overview and fact sheets on suicide rates and methods ...
Finding help and working with schools: Tips for parents of teens with mental health problems
A brochure primarily for parents about how to work with the school to help their teen who has a...
How do school staff benefit from gatekeeper training in suicide prevention?
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
Implementing school-based programs: Issues and strategies
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
School-based programs
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. Decem...
An adolescent mental health & wellness curriculum: A starter kit for schools
A manual for school leaders containing information directed at promoting wellness and facilitat...
Research-based guidelines and practices for school-based suicide prevention
This document summarizes federal (and California) activity to prevent student suicide and provi...
Suicide prevention and intervention
This article provides guidance to administrators on the problem of student suicide; warning sig...
Sudden death-suicide-critical incident: Crisis response for principals and student services staff
Geared primarily toward principals, this guide lists specific procedures for coordinating a sch...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Considerations for school settings
This information sheet describes appropriate after-care for students, staff, and parents after ...
Parental consent act of 2009
This bill, H.R. 2218 (111) introduced in April 2009 by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to prohibi...
Youth suicide prevention: Strengthening state policies and school-based strategies
This issue brief by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices discusses what...
Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report
This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute's independent evaluation of Co...
Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report
This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute's independent evaluation of Co...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Depression in children and adolescents: Information for parents and educators
This handout describes the problem of depression, symptoms, risk factors, ways to determine if ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
School memorials after suicide: Helpful or harmful?
This issue brief draws from the research to provide guidance for responding to suicide in a man...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Psychotropic drugs and children: Use, trends, and implications for schools
This fact sheet discusses emotional and behavioral health problems in children and youth and th...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Helping students cope with suicide
Short fact sheet providing five guidelines on responding to students after a suicide in the sch...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Culturally Competent Crisis Response: Information for School Psychologists and Crisis Teams
This information sheet, using vignettes on suicide among minority students, discusses crisis re...
Understanding and responding to students who self-mutilate
This article discusses characteristics of Repetitive Self-Mutilation Syndrome (RSM) in students...
Dealing with death at school
This article in Principal Leadership discusses appropriate ways school leadership should respon...
Suicide: Postvention strategies for school personnel
This handout is designed to help guide the implementation of postvention services. It reviews b...
Suicide prevention strategies- Schools
From "Health, mental health and safety guidelines for schools". This guideline states that scho...
School-associated suicides - United States, 1994--1999
MMWR, June 11, 2004; 53(22):476-78. To describe the psychosocial and behavioral characteristics...
Technical assistance sampler: School interventions to prevent youth suicide
This report provides basic statistical info on youth suicide and an overview on the topics of s...
Safe and responsible use of the internet: A guide for educators
This guide for educators addresses the issues involved with the use of the Internet by youth, i...
Suicide in youth- American Behavioral Scientist Issue
[Journal Issue] American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 46, Number 9, May 2003 Click on the link ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Times of tragedy: Preventing suicide in troubled children and youth, Part I, Tips for parents and schools
This brief discusses the risk factors related to traumatic events, warning signs for suicide a...
What every teacher should know
This brochure, available in both English and Spanish, discusses the scope of youth suicide in O...
Preventing suicide: A resource for teachers and other school staff
This 18-page guide briefly describes suicidal behavior in adolescence and risk and protective f...
Teacher guidelines for crisis response
This manual is reprinted from "A practical guide to crisis response in our schools" (1999). It ...