This document was developed by ensuring that local policies are in line with the latest researc...
Online Library
Use the Resource Type filter on the left to find resources (e.g., tools, fact sheets, reports) developed by SPRC and other suicide prevention organizations.
- For suicide prevention programs and interventions, including upstream programs and interventions, visit SPRC’s Best Practices Registry.
- For information about other program registries and lists, visit our Finding Programs and Practices page.
Displaying 59 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.
A Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary and Resources
Adolescent connectedness has lasting effects
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Mental Health Providers
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief

Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Teachers
YRBSS methods
This website provides the latest CDC report describing the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Sys...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Making the connection: Suicidal thoughts and behaviors and academic grades
Data from the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicates that students that student wit...
Problem-Solving Therapy (PST)
SOS Signs of Suicide Middle School and High School Prevention Programs
Friend2Friend is a 25-minute, online, interactive training program for high schoo...

Making Educators Partners in Youth Suicide Prevention: ACT on FACTS
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel
Suicide Prevention: A Gatekeeper Training for School Personnel, developed by the ...
Healing of the canoe: Preliminary results of a culturally grounded intervention to prevent substance abuse and promote tribal identity for native youth in two Pacific Northwest tribes
This article describes a culturally grounded social skills intervention to promote increased cu...
Riverside Trauma Center postvention guidelines
This document offers guidelines for schools, organizations, and communities to follow after a s...
CDC epi-aid report on youth suicide in Fairfax county
Responding to a possible suicide cluster of youth suicides (7 deaths over 3 years) the CDC cond...
Texas suicide safer schools
This report is designed to assist Texas educators to know the incidence of youth suicide and to...
PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd Edition)
The PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (2nd E...
Networks for Life: An Educator's Role in Youth Suicide Prevention
Networks for Life: An Educator’s Role in Youth Suicide Prevention is a 3-hour t...
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide
Suicide Prevention: Supporting Those At-Risk for Suicide (formerly known as ...
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention
Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention is a two-day training program that p...
Illinois gatekeeper evaluation reports
These evaluation reports describe before and after survey results among K-12 staff and campus f...
Creating Suicide Safety in Schools
Journey to Wellness
Journey to Wellness (J2W) is an eight-week wellness program for American Indian y...
The FIRE Within: Youth Entrepreneurs Preventing Suicide
Step In, Speak Up!: Supporting LGBTQ Students
Kognito Step In, Speak Up!:Supporting LGBTQ Students is a 25-minute, online, inte...
Program/Practice , Video/Audio Recording
Real Teenagers Talking about Depression: A Video-Based Study Guide
Developed by Erika’s Lighthouse, Real Teenagers Talking about Depression: A Video-Ba...
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop is a 1-hour interactive workshop for middle school, hig...
Program/Practice , Toolkit
Just Talk About It: Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Please note that the CONTACT Crisis Line ceased operation on 12/31/14. To our knowl...
Break Free from Depression: A 4-Session Curriculum Addressing Adolescent Depression
Developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, Break Free from Depression is a s...
Connect Youth Leaders: Partnering with Adults in Youth Suicide Prevention
Developed by NAMI NH, Youth Leaders is a two-day training for youth leaders ...
Kognito At-Risk for High School Educators
LEADS: For Youth (Linking Education and Awareness of Depression and Suicide)

Youth Suicide Prevention Referral and Tracking Toolkit
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Putting knowledge into action to prevent violence
One of a series of actionable knowledge briefs to help integrate research into suicide preventi...

Preventing suicide: A toolkit for high schools
This toolkit provides information on how to reduce suicide risk among high school students.
Barriers and facilitators to mental health help-seeking for young elite athletes: A qualitative study
This study involved fifteen elite athletes aged 16–23 years who participated in one of three ...
Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide prevention: Facts for parents
This brief sheet provides information for parents on suicide among high school students and how...
LifeSavers Training
LifeSavers Training is a three-day suicide and crisis prevention program that tra...
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength, a universal suicide prevention program, is designed to build protective in...
How Not To Keep A Secret
Developed by Youth Health Connection (YHC), How Not To Keep A Secret (HNTKAS...
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum
Teens for Life Program: Youth Curriculum is an interactive classroom-based suicid...
More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention Education for Teachers and Other School Personnel
School Suicide Prevention Accreditation

Preventing suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: Developing LGBT cultural competence
Lists criteria for agencies, schools and the individuals who work for them to assess LGBT cultu...
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death
Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death is a 170-page m...
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills
Reconnecting Youth: A Peer Group Approach to Building Life Skills (RY) is a school-based preven...
Developed by mental health professionals and educators with funding from the National Institute...
Lifelines Curriculum
The Lifelines Prevention student curriculum (formerly known as the Lifelines Curri...
Ask 4 Help Suicide Prevention for Youth
Developed by Yellow Ribbon, Ask 4 Help! is a one-hour high school-based curriculum tha...
Helping Every Living Person (HELP) Depression and Suicide Prevention Curriculum
Developed by Washington State, the Helping Every Living Person: Depression and Suicide Prev...
Youth suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention guidelines: A resource for school personnel
This guide describes the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention program....
Healthy Education for Life Program (HELP)
Developed by HeartLine, Inc., HELP is a suicide awareness program that targets youth 10 to 24 y...
Multisystemic Therapy With Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric)
Multisystemic Therapy with Psychiatric Supports (MST-Psychiatric) is a psychological treatment ...
Connect Suicide Postvention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, the Connect Suicide Postvention program inc...
High School Gatekeeper Curriculum
Developed by Gryphon Place, the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A High School C...
Response: A Comprehensive High School-based Suicide Awareness Program (2nd Edition)
RESPONSE is a comprehensive high school-based program that increases awareness ab...
American Indian Life Skills (AILS)
American Indian Life Skills (AILS) is a universal, school-based, culturally grounded, life-skil...
Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention Training
Developed by NAMI New Hampshire, Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention pro...
PROSPECT (Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial)
Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial (PROSPECT) aims to prevent s...
CAST (Coping and Support Training)
CAST (Coping and Support Training) is a school-based small group counseling program for at-risk...