State Infrastructure Success Stories
- Lead: Develop division/agency commitment to spur cross-discipline collaboration and integrate programs across funding sources
- Partner: Adopt a shared vision and language
- Build: Strengthen the crisis system and policies, including mobile response and hotlines
- Build: Promote upstream strategies that proactively prevent suicide risk and enhance protective factors
New Hampshire
- Lead: Develop capacity to respond to information requests from officials, communities, the media, and the general public
- Partner: Develop written agreements detailing each partner’s commitment
- Build: Establish policies and model practices in preparation for post-suicide response, including in the event of a suicide cluster
New York
- Authorize: Identify and secure resources needed for all six essential functions
- Partner: Adopt a shared vision and language
- Examine: Develop the skills and a plan for regularly analyzing and using data to inform action at the state and local levels
- Build: Build a multifaceted, lifespan approach across the state, in concert with the state plan
- Build: Develop the ability to evaluate and share results
- Lead: Dedicate core staff positions, training, and technology needed for all six essential functions
- Examine: Develop the skills and a plan for regularly analyzing and using data to inform action at the state and local levels
- Build: Establish policies and model practices in preparation for post-suicide response, including in the event of a suicide cluster
- Guide: Ensure the ability to plan, provide, and evaluate guidance for state, county, and local efforts
South Carolina
- Lead: Develop division/agency commitment to spur cross-discipline collaboration and integrate programs across funding sources
- Lead: Build staff capacity to effectively communicate across audiences
- Partner: Form a statewide coalition with broad public and private section representation
- Examine: Develop skills and a plan for regularly analyzing and using data to inform actions at the state and local levels
- Examine: Link data from different systems while protecting privacy
- Build: Embed expectations within relevant state-funded contracts
- Guide: Identify and allocate resources needed to guide state, county, and local efforts
- Authorize: Require an annual progress and needs report to the legislature or governor
- Examine: Allocate sufficient funding and personnel to support high-quality, privacy-protected suicide data collection and analysis
- Examine: Ensure that high-risk and underserved populations are represented in data collection