Coping after suicide loss: Tips for grieving adults, children and schools

This resource provides guidance on how to cope with one’s own emotions after the suicide death of a friend or family member, how to talk to children and teens about a suicide and how schools should safely handle communicating about a suicide death in the school community. Help resources are also provided.

Suicide and social media: A tipsheet for parents and providers

This tip sheet provides direction to parents to monitor their children’s use of social media by being aware of popular apps, websites and accounts among youth. Both providers and parents should ask youth about their exposure to violence, especially, self-directed violence and suicide, on social media. If needed, they should consult with a mental health expert. Some parental control tools are also listed. 

Overview of criteria and ratings: National Repository of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)

This document provides an overview of the review process for the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP), a past program of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. NREPP was an evidence-based repository and review system designed to provide the public with information on mental health and substance abuse interventions. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center used NREPP in the past to help identify programs with evidence of effectiveness that are relevant to suicide prevention.

Please note that NREPP was discontinued as of January 2018. Because some program listings on still include NREPP ratings, this Overview document summarizes historical information about the NREPP review process to help put these ratings in context.

Suicide mortality in the United States, 1999–2017

This trend analysis examines differences in suicide percentages and rates by sex, age group and level of urbanization. While nearly all groups show an increased suicides over time, those over 75 had a much lower rate in 2017 than they did in 1999.  

Surveillance Success Stories – Centerstone of Tennessee

This story details how Centerstone TN developed a system to collect more robust data on patient suicide deaths as part of its Zero Suicide initiative. By analyzing trends in this new data, Centerstone TN was able to identify patients at high risk, improve treatment protocols, and reduce suicide deaths within its health care system.  

This story is part of SPRC’s Surveillance Success Story Series, which describes how states, tribes, and health systems access and analyze data on suicide deaths and attempts, and use data to inform evaluation and program planning.

Suicide rates in the United States continue to increase

This data brief describes trends in suicide deaths by sex, age group and means of suicide from the years 2000-2016. During that period the suicide rate for males increased by 21% while the rate for females showed a much higher increase at 50%. Data were obtained from the National Vital Statistics System.

Suicide prevention facts and resources

This two-page fact sheet includes information about suicide in the U.S., the Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage for clinicians, and the warning signs for suicide. It also provides a list of suicide prevention resources and online directories for treatment and crisis services.

Addressing the challenges of the opioid crisis and serious mental illness

This two-page fact sheet includes information about opioid abuse and serious mental illness in the U.S., and how SAMHSA is addressing these challenges. It describes resources, priorities, and key activities for preventing and addressing the related issues of opioid abuse, serious mental illness, and suicide.