This information sheet describes appropriate after-care for students, staff, and parents after a suicide or attempt to ensure their safety and prevent future attempts.
Resource Types: Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Focus group fundamentals
This issue brief describes how focus group data are different than survey data. It provides guidance on how to convene focus groups in order to obtain rich qualitative data.
Suicide: Adolescents and young adults
A fact sheet about suicide among adolescents and young adults.
Depression in children and adolescents: Information for parents and educators
This handout describes the problem of depression, symptoms, risk factors, ways to determine if a student is depressed, available treatment options and how to access them, and whole school approaches to prevent suicide.
School memorials after suicide: Helpful or harmful?
This issue brief draws from the research to provide guidance for responding to suicide in a manner that supports grieving while mitigating contagion.
Psychotropic drugs and children: Use, trends, and implications for schools
This fact sheet discusses emotional and behavioral health problems in children and youth and the role of psychotropic medications in treatment, including safety, indications for specific medications, and side effects. Suicide is mentioned as both a symptom of a condition and a side effect of certain medications.
Helping students cope with suicide
Short fact sheet providing five guidelines on responding to students after a suicide in the school community.
Culturally Competent Crisis Response: Information for School Psychologists and Crisis Teams
This information sheet, using vignettes on suicide among minority students, discusses crisis response planning and culturally competent response.
Real men, real depression: Depression, a treatable illness
Factsheet on depression and men.
Rural suicide prevention
A two-page fact sheet containing information on adolescent rural suicide prevention.