New Jersey
State Suicide Prevention Website:
State of New Jersey Department of Human Services: Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
State Coalition Website:
State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families

Allison Kusznikow
Suicide Prevention Coordinator,
Department of Human Services
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
PO Box 362
Trenton, NJ 08625-0362
Jeffery Carrick, MPA
Assistant Director, Office of Integrated Health and Wellness
Children’s System of Care
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
PO Box 729
Trenton, NJ 08625
State and Community Organizations
- NAMI New Jersey (732) 940-0991
- Mental Health Association in New Jersey (973) 571-4100
- AFSP Northern New Jersey - State Fact Sheet (908) 514-6028
- New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addictions Agencies, Inc. (609) 838-5488
- Cop2Cop Helpline (866) 267-2267
- New Jersey Hopeline (855) 654-6735
- TLC4Teens
- Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth (732) 235-2810
Resources and Tools