The Knowledge Network is a collection of technical assistance centers, tools, trainings and other resources designed to support the health/behavioral health workforce by providing a searchable interface which spans SAMHSA’s portfolio across many disciplines and online locations. Suicide is one of many topics covered.
Resource Types: Website
Arizona County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
Website with a database searchable by county for every state in the U.S. for health outcomes and health factors for the years 2011 – 2016. Also on this website are data reports for each state.
Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE)
OMHHE monitors and reports on the health status of vulnerable populations and on the effectiveness of health protection programs.
Don’t Be Sidelined State Resources
This website contains information about specific mental illnesses and mental illness in general, services and organizations relevant to mental illness for people in Nebraska, and materials from the Nebraska mental health public awareness campaign called Don’t Be Sidelined.
Suicide Prevention
This is the suicide prevention section of the Virginia Department of Health’s website. It includes basic information and links to resources for a wide range of audiences, including families, schools, colleges and universities, military and veterans, mental health professionals, primary care, emergency departments, and the media.
United Suicide Survivors International
This organization and the resources on its website assist those with the lived experience of suicide attempt, serious ideation or suicide loss to discover their role as change champions and advocates. They support the implementation of lived experience international guidelines and best practice programs such as The Way Forward and Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress after a Suicide: US National Guidelines and leverage the voices of lived experience to advocate for policy, system, and cultural change.
Nebraska LOSS Team
This is the website of the Nebraska Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Team. The Team consists of trained survivor and mental health professionals acting as volunteers to bring immediate support to survivors of suicide. The website explains the Loss Team and provides resource lists.
This is the website of the Connect program, which provides trainings on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention in New Hampshire and across the U.S. the website provides information on the different types of trainings, lists of other resources, and information on surviving suicide loss.
Zero suicide in health and behavioral health care
Zero Suicide is founded on the belief that suicide deaths for individuals under care within health and behavioral health systems are preventable. Rather than relying solely on practitioners, Zero Suicide employs a system-wide approach to improve care and outcomes for individuals at risk of suicide in health care systems. Zero Suicide provides a specific set of tools, strategies and trainings to guide ongoing quality improvement and care transformation.
Healthy Youth Survey Data
The Healthy Youth Survey provides information about youth in Washington that is used by county prevention coordinators, community mobilization coalitions, community public health and safety networks, and others to guide policy and programs that serve youth. The website currently has the data from 2012 and 2014. It includes the answers to questions about safety and violence, physical activity and diet, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and related risk and protective factors by students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12.