Information about logic models

This resource lists links to sources which provide information on the purpose and use of logic models. Logic models provide a structure for evaluation and are helpful in engaging partners, policymakers and community members. This resource was created for SPRC’s online course, Strategic Planning for Suicide Prevention.

Don’t Be Sidelined State Resources

This website contains information about specific mental illnesses and mental illness in general, services and organizations relevant to mental illness for people in Nebraska, and materials from the Nebraska mental health public awareness campaign called Don’t Be Sidelined.

Tennessee Resources

This webpage contains links to nine other webpages with a wide variety of resources on and related to suicide prevention.

Resources for Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment

 This is one webpage on a larger Connecticut suicide prevention website. This webpage contains brief descriptions of and links to five mental and behavioral health treatment resources in Connecticut. Two of the resources are crisis services and the other three are information sources.

Connecticut Clearinghouse

A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics. Has a searchable database of treatment facilities and helplines in Connecticut.

Tennessee Statistics

This webpage contains links to one-page documents with suicide statistics for Tennessee.

LGBT training curricula for behavioral health and primary care practitioners

This list of professional training curricula for behavioral health and primary care practitioners is designed to help them assess, treat, and refer LGBT clients in a culturally sensitive manner and improve their health and well-being. Continuing medical education and continuing education unit credits are available.

Engaging suicide attempt survivors

This sheet contains resources which include videos, websites, reports, and toolkits that can help individuals learn more and take action to engage suicide attempt survivors in preventing suicide. The resources sheet is associated with the SPRC SPARK Talk, Engaging Suicide Attempt Survivors.