Montana Native youth suicide reduction strategic plan

In order to address the significant disparity of suicide rates among Native youth in Montana, KIA was commissioned to form the Montana Native Youth Suicide Reduction Coalition to develop a youth suicide reduction strategic plan for urban Native youth in Montana. As well as examining the data, the KAI and the Coalition analyzed best practices in Native youth suicide reduction. The Zero Suicide model was among these. This report describes the Coalition’s Shared Vision of Hope, Obstacles and Challenges, Strategic Pillars Actions Steps and Implementation Plan achieved through consensus.

Deaths from suicide: A look at 18 states

This special report focuses on suicide using 2013 and 2014 data from 18 states participating in the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS). The report provides an overview of deaths from violence in the U.S., a detailed look at suicide nationally and among states, including circumstances surrounding suicide deaths in various demographic groups and an exploration of similarities and differences in violent deaths among the 18 states.

Youth suicide prevention in Nebraska

This report summarizes recent fatal and nonfatal data from the CDC among youth and reports on first year Garrett Lee Smith Grant-funded results using the framework from Nebraska’s state suicide prevention plan to address suicide and suicidal behavior among youth.

Transforming communities: Key elements for the implementation of comprehensive community-based suicide prevention

Developed by the Action Alliance, this resource presents seven key elements that should guide program planning and implementation. It is being jointly released with the CDC’s Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices which outlines specific, evidence-based suicide prevention strategies for communities to consider as part of their comprehensive approach.

Breaking down barriers: Using youth suicide-related surveillance data from state systems

These materials assist state Garrett Lee Smith grantees in exploring the opportunities and barriers they face in accessing and using suicide surveillance data from three youth-serving state systems: juvenile justice, child welfare, and public behavioral health. Data from these systems are important for planning, building political and community support, quality improvement, and measuring impact.

The National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda

This report presents a first-of-its-kind collaborative tribal-federal blueprint for improving the behavioral health of American Indians and Alaska Natives. It was developed in response to calls from tribal leaders for improved collaboration with federal agencies to address the behavioral health of their communities.

Montana 2016 Suicide Mortality Review Team report

This report presents findings and recommendations of the Montana Suicide Mortality Review Team and is based on the review of 555 suicides that occurred in Montana between January 1, 2014 and March 1, 2016. It includes data specific to youth suicides, American Indian suicides, and suicides by Montana veterans.

Wyoming Vital Statistics Reports

This webpage contains annual summaries and appendices with Wyoming vital statistics and detailed and county level data including suicide rates by county.

Preventing Suicide among Men in the Middle Years: Recommendations for Suicide Prevention Programs

This publication was created to help state and community suicide prevention programs design and implement projects to prevent suicide among men in the middle years (ages 35–64). It includes a review of the research, recommendations that provide guidance for state and community suicide prevention programs on addressing suicide in this population, and an annotated list of programs and resources.