Oregon older adult suicide prevention advisory work group plan

In 2003, Oregon had the fourth highest suicide rate among older adults in the US. This plan identifies three primary strategies to prevent suicide in older adults: clinically based suicide prevention; community-based suicide prevention; and public health surveillance, program evaluation, and research.

Mental health risk factors, unmet needs, and provider availability for rural children: Executive summary

The study uses the 2001 National Health Interview Survey, a nationally representative survey of the U.S. population. Key findings: nearly 1 of every 4 rural children has a potential mental health problem; rural African-American children had the highest prevalence of conduct problems and hyperactive behavior; over 1.9 million rural children with mental health problems live in areas with minimal to no care available.

National healthcare disparities report

This report represents the first national comprehensive effort to measure differences in access and use of health care services by various populations. The report includes a broad set of performance measures that can serve as baseline views of differences in the use of services. The report presents data on the differences in the use of services, access to health care, and impressions of quality for seven clinical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, heart disease, HIV and AIDS, mental health, and respiratory disease as well as data on maternal and child health, nursing home and home health care, and patient safety. It also examines differences in use of services by priority populations.