Strategies and challenges for community suicide prevention: AF Suicide Prevention Program

State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12-14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Describes U.S. Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP) as a model for community and organizational approaches to prevention. Discusses: Air Force suicide rates 1987-2006; AFSPP implementation strategies; the program sustainment issues and challenges; and its applications beyond the U.S. Air Force.

Research on the mental health consequences of disaster (Presentation)

State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12–14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Considers the following aspects of the research on the mental health consequences of disaster: the reasons to study the effects of disasters and mass trauma; what has been studied; what has been learned; and implications for intervention.

Ensuring cultural and linguistic competence (Presentation)

State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12–14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Overviews definitions and value base of cultural competence and cultural considerations for suicide prevention. 2:30 Exercise: “Purple People” 3:30 Exercise: “Designing Culturally Specific Suicide Prevention Strategies” 4:30 Case Study: Developing a Culturally and Linguistically Specific Social Marketing Strategy

Practical strategies for preventing juvenile suicides in confinement settings

State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12–14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Focuses on: facilities where juveniles are confined; the problem of juvenile suicides in confinement facilities; national strategy and standards related to the subject; and key prevention strategies.

Active Minds, Inc.: Reaching out to young adults on campus

State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12–14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Describes Active Minds – a student-run mental health awareness, education, and advocacy organization on the college campus.