National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Workplace task force

This task force of the Action Alliance is working on suicide prevention in the workplace. Its webpage includes the goal, objectives, and members of the task force as well as two public service announcements and a directory of suicide prevention resources for employers. New resources from the Task Force are added to the website as they become available. 

Native youth suicide prevention program (NYSP) evaluation update

This presentation was delivered at the State and Tribal Suicide Prevention Grantees Meeting, January, 2009, for the Continuing Grantee Panel on Local Evaluation, Enhanced Evaluation. It describes an evaluation of the impact of the NYSP on awareness and community readiness. NYSP is a program of NARA NW, a coalition of 8 Tribal communities and Portland State University with programming based upon traditional, spiritual and cultural beliefs,integrated with best practices.

IHS Suicide Prevention Initiative

This presentation, delivered at the January 2009 grantee meeting describes how the Indian Health Service Prevention program has partnered with tribes and tribal organizations, federal, state and local agencies and others to develop and implement suicide prevention initiatives.

The 2nd Annual TBI & Suicide Prevention Conference: Safety Planning for People with Brain Injuries

This is a collection of archived PowerPoints, and streaming videos from presentations at the conference held 9/11/2009 at U. of CO, Denver. They include: Brief Interventions with Suicidal Individuals: Safety Planning and Beyond; Reducing Suicide Risk in Persons with TBI: Implications for Therapy and Systems of Care; Clinical Evaluations, Sequelae and Treatment after TBI; Traumatic Brain Injury 101; and Suicide 101.

School-based suicide prevention: A matter of life and death

This video is a helpful tool to use with school decision makers regarding the need for school-based suicide prevention/postvention programs and crisis planning. School administrators and staff share their experiences of dealing with the suicides of their students. An overview is given of school-based suicide prevention programs and crisis planning to reduce suicide among middle and high school students, including potential suicide contagion. The video emphasizes the importance of educating staff using gatekeeper programs and educating and screening students with evidence-based programs.

Call to action to prevent youth suicide

This webpage describes the problem of suicide in youth and the leadership role school psychologists should play in collaborative efforts involving schools, communities, and mental health professionals to prevent suicide.