Suicide grief support quick reference

This tool was developed by the Lifeline Consumer-Survivor Subcommittee and is designed to provide crisis workers with essential and easy-to-access information about suicide grief support.It includes resources for survivors, resources for children survivors, online support for survivors and guidance for caregivers. 

NFL life line

The NFL Life Line is a free, confidential, and independently operated resource that connects callers with trained counselors who can help individuals work through any personal or emotional crisis. This service is available 24/7.

iDigInfo: Military suicide research repository

iDigInfo is the Military Suicide Research Consortium’s collection of research articles concerning suicide among military/veteran populations and related issues.  The collection is searchable by several fields and results can be limited as well.  Although most of the articles in the collection are protected by copyright, there is also an Open Access section where articles are available in full text.

Medications and Suicidality Resource Center

The Medications and Suicidality Resource Center includes tools to identify medications that have been associated with an increased suicidality risk, as well as a variety of other resources concerning drug-associated suicidality.