This campaign includes public service announcements of actual teenagers who have had a suicidal friend or have lost a friend to suicide. A resource guide is also available from the site.
Resource Types: Other
The Surgeon General’s call to action to prevent suicide
On July 28, 1999, Tipper Gore and Surgeon General David Satcher hosted a press conference at which the Surgeon General unveiled a blueprint to prevent suicide in the United States. This blueprint, The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Suicide, uses the AIM approach – Awareness, Intervention, and Methodology – derived from the collaborative deliberations of the 1st National Suicide Prevention Conference (Reno, Nevada) participants. As a framework for suicide prevention, AIM includes 15 key recommendations that were refined from consensus and evidence-based findings presented at the Reno conference.
Mental health: A report of the Surgeon General
This report recognizes the intertwined relationship between mental and physical health. Focuses on following aspects of the subject: age groups (children, adults and older adults); services’ organizing and financing; and confidentiality of information.
National Mental Health Awareness Campaign
NMHAC, a nationwide nonpartisan public education campaign, was launched as part of the 1999 White House Conference on Mental Health organized by Tipper Gore. It has a two-pronged goal: encourage people to identify, discuss, and seek help for mental health problems; and create a more accepting environment for them to do so. The website includes materials for campaign speakers, students, adults, and professionals.