Introducing the SPARK Talks

December 15, 2014

News Type:  Director's Corner
Author:  Jerry Reed, PhD, MSW, SPRC Project Director, Education Development Center, Inc

I am pleased to be able to use this Director’s Corner to introduce the SPARK Talks, a new and special resource from SPRC. These Short, Provocative, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Knowledgeable videos are designed to spark conversation, innovation, and action. The first set of SPARK Talks includes contributions from:

  • Myself (Jerry Reed, PhD, Director of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center), on the need to find new ways to collaborate as we focus on the national goal of saving 20,000 lives by 2020 
  • John Draper, PhD, Director of the Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network, who describes the critical role of the “person-centered” approach to behavioral health care 
  • Kenneth Norton, LICSW, Executive Director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness in New Hampshire, who explains how postvention can serve as a powerful suicide prevention strategy 
  • Michael Hogan, PhD, Principal of Hogan Health Solutions LLC and a member of the Executive Committee of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, who speaks to the potential of Zero Suicide, an approach that is already transforming how suicide prevention is practiced in health care systems

Several thought-provoking themes run through these talks. One is the importance of reaching people where they live, work, and receive treatment. Another is the power of partnerships, including those with federal and state government agencies, philanthropies, health care and behavioral health care providers, insurance companies, funeral homes, law enforcement agencies, faith leaders, and the media. A third is the importance of connecting people who are at risk for suicide with appropriate and effective mental health care.

I encourage you to use the SPARK Talks to educate and inspire action among colleagues, partners, stakeholders, and members of the communities you serve.  Consider sharing these videos—along with your own thoughts —on your website, via social media, or in newsletters. You could also use the videos and accompanying resources to start conversations at meetings, workshops, or conferences. 

We would like to hear from you. Use the SPARK Talks website to let us know what you think of the videos, and to share your success stories with the suicide prevention community. We hope you will find this new SPRC resource a useful tool in advancing our collective effort to prevent suicides and save lives.