Coverage for mental health is improving

July 11, 2014

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News

The Columbus Dispatch

Health insurance coverage for mental health treatment has been expanding in Ohio, due to state and federal laws enacted in the past few years. Most recently, many people who receive health care coverage through their jobs have begun to benefit from the mental health parity mandate, as federal Affordable Care Act requirements take effect for businesses with fewer than 50 employees. Mental health care consumers and advocates report some persistent difficulties and disparities in seeking care, but also many welcome improvements. Ohio resident Peg Morrison can now get professional help as needed for her depression and anxiety, whereas previously she was limited to 10 visits per year. “If I could budget my depression, that would have worked out very well,” she said. “Life being how it is, that’s not how it went.”

Spark Extra! Learn more about mental health coverage in the changing US legal landscape from the National Council for Behavioral Health.