Baby boomers have the highest rate of suicide

July 25, 2014

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News

The Kansas City Star

Since 2008, when the U.S. economy took a downturn, the suicide rate among adults ages 45-64 has been the highest of all age groups in the nation, as tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Alex Crosby, an epidemiologist at the CDC, noted that for these people in their prime wage-earning years, there is “an association between suicide rates and economic expansion or contraction.” Some prevention specialists note that warning signs — such as withdrawal, substance abuse, or speaking of feeling like a burden — may be missed due to the assumption that people who reach this age have already proven their resilience. “We’ve definitely developed more suicide prevention programs aimed at youth,” said Crosby. “There are not as many programs specific to working, middle-aged adults. But groups are moving in that direction.”

Spark Extra! Check out this webinar, A surprising health disparity: Men in the middle years, produced by SPRC and ICRC-S.