News & Highlights

This section presents news and highlights from SPRC and the suicide prevention field. Use the filters on the left to find the following items:

  • Weekly Spark, SPRC’s online newsletter, containing brief news articles, research summaries, announcements, and funding opportunities. Subscribe to the Weekly Spark.
  • Director’s Corner, a monthly column by SPRC leadership and guest authors.
  • From the Field, innovative activities being implemented in states, communities, healthcare organizations, and other settings.

Displaying 10 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.

Weekly Spark

Optimizing Suicide Research

December 17, 2021
A recent article reviews challenges in suicide research and proposes ways to address them. The authors discuss multiple sources of...
Weekly Spark

Online Risk Factors and Youth Suicide

November 12, 2021
A recent study found an association between online risk factors and suicidal behavior among youth. According to the authors, this...
Weekly Spark

Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Strategies

October 15, 2021
Researchers performed a systematic review of studies published around the world between September 2005 and December 2019 to identify evidence-based,...
Weekly Spark

Suicide Mortality in the U.S., 1999–2019

October 01, 2021
A study looked at trends in suicide mortality from 1999 to 2019, using data from the National Vital Statistics System...
Weekly Spark

Changes in Suicide Rates, 2018–2019

September 10, 2021
A study found the overall suicide rate in the U.S. declined for the first time in more than a decade....
Weekly Spark

Global Suicide Trends during the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 03, 2021
Data from previous epidemics suggest suicide rates may initially appear to decrease during epidemics but may increase thereafter. Based on...
Weekly Spark

Trends in Emergency Department Visits during COVID-19

May 21, 2021
A recent study examined changes in U.S. emergency department (ED) visits for disaster-related mental health conditions, suicide attempts, overdoses, and...
Weekly Spark

Suicide Risk among People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

April 23, 2021
A recent national retrospective study from Denmark found individuals with a diagnosed autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have an increased risk...
Weekly Spark

Association between Food Insecurity and Suicide Risk

January 22, 2021
A recent study found an association between participation in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and suicide risk. While other...
Weekly Spark

A Look Back at Research Summaries in 2020

January 08, 2021
Suicide Attempts and Eating Disorders | Suicide Prevention Resource Center Suicide Rates by Industry and Occupation—Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report...