Everyone Plays A Role in Suicide Prevention
Suicide is a preventable public health problem. There is strong evidence that a comprehensive public health approach is effective in reducing suicide rates. Learn about the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and the ultimate goal of eliminating the tragic experience of suicide by watching this webcast.
“Everyone Plays a Role in Suicide Prevention: Turning Strategy Into Action” is an event that included a keynote speaker, knowledgeable plenary presenters, and a panel representing high-risk populations. The event kicked off “75 Days of Action” to put plans into action and begin to dramatically reduce suicides by National Suicide Awareness Day on September 10, 2013.
Presenters Surgeon General VADM Regina Benjamin, Richard McKeon, Director, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Suicide Prevention Branch, Jerry Reed, Director, Suicide Prevention Resource Center and Dan Reidenberg, Executive Director, Suicide Awareness Voices of Education