New York
State Suicide Prevention Website:
Suicide Prevention Center of NY

Garra Lloyd-Lester (he/him)
Coordinator Community and Coalition Initiatives
NYS Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center (SPCNY)
1330 E. Washington St.
Kara Brodzinski (she/her)
Program Manager
NYS Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center (SPCNY)
400 Forest Ave. Building 1,
Buffalo, NY, 14213
State and Community Organizations
- NAMI New York State (518) 462-2000
- The Mental Health Association in New York State (518) 434-0439
- AFSP New York - State Fact Sheet (646) 284-5790
- Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide – University of Rochester Medical Center (585) 275-9251
- Center for the Promotion of Mental Health in Juvenile Justice (212) 305-6001
- The Samaritans of New York (212) 673-3041
Prevention Plans
Resources and Tools
NEW YORK: Suicide Prevention Barriers Fitted on Iconic New York Bridge
Read more