Online Courses

Improve your knowledge and skills in suicide prevention with these self-paced online courses. They are designed for clinicians and other service providers, educators, health professionals, public officials, and members of community-based coalitions who develop and implement suicide prevention programs and policies.

The online Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) course is now accessible free of charge at

Safety Planning for Youth Suicide Prevention

Develop knowledge and skills in using the Stanley-Brown Safety Planning Intervention when working with young clients at risk of suicide.

Talking About Lethal Means: A Course for Crisis Counselors

Learn how to collaborate with individuals in crisis to reduce their access to lethal means during a crisis conversation.

Beyond Numbers: Navigating Data for Suicide Prevention

Strengthen your suicide prevention data capacity and promote equity in all your data-related efforts.

Locating and Understanding Data for Suicide Prevention

Explore sources of data that can help provide an understanding of suicide nationally, in your state, and locally.

A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention

Identify and prioritize suicide prevention activities through strategic planning to maximize impact in your community or setting.

We recognize that certain populations need and deserve more attention than we are able to include in these courses. As a supplement, we are providing some in-depth resources here to help you explore the specific needs of some of these populations.


Blacks and African Americans

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Hispanics and Latinos

American Indians and Alaska Natives