Colleges and Universities

Suicide and suicidal behaviors are a major concern for colleges and universities. Suicide is a leading cause of death among college and university students in the United States (see Scope of the Problem section).1 In addition to the students who die by suicide, many others struggle with suicidal thoughts and other mental health problems. Fortunately, colleges and universities also provide unique opportunities for comprehensive suicide prevention planning.  

Recognizing the importance of addressing suicide prevention in these settings, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has provided grants to support suicide prevention in campus communities since 2005. For more on the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Program, see our Grantees page

Why Address Suicide Prevention 

  • Mental health issues often first appear between the ages of 18 and 24, so colleges are uniquely situated to help these young people.2 
  • Students’ mental health can affect their academic performance. 
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors can impact the entire campus community. 

How Colleges and Universities Can Take Action 

The best way to prevent suicide is to use a comprehensive approach that includes these key components:  


  1. Schwartz, A. J. (2006). College student suicide in the United States: 1990–1991 through 2003–2004. Journal of American College Health54(6), 341–352.
  2. Kessler, R. C., Berglund, P., Demler, O., Jin, R., & Merikangas, K. R. (2005). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry62, 593–602.

Learn More

  • See the Recommended Resources below selected by SPRC personnel.
  • See All Resources Related to Colleges and Universities for a full list of materials, trainings, and other information available from SPRC.

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Recommended Resources

Suicide among college and university students in the United States

This information sheet presents data related to suicide and describes risk and protective factors common among college and university students. 

Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses

This guide was created to help college and university professionals respond to a student suicide.

Framework for developing institutional protocols for the acutely distressed or suicidal college student

This publication lists key issues to consider in developing a comprehensive, campus-wide approach to managing at-risk students.

Framework for Successful Messaging

This website can help individuals and organizations develop messages about suicide that are strategic, safe, and positive.

Campus MHAP: A guide to campus mental health action planning

This guide provides information on how to build and sustain an effective mental health promotion and suicide prevention effort.

All Resources Related to Colleges and Universities