Recommendations for Local Suicide Prevention Infrastructure

These recommendations were developed to help local settings—such as municipalities, counties, and Tribal governments—establish, improve, and sustain a strong local suicide prevention infrastructure. These recommendations support the achievement of Goal 6 of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, which calls for building and sustaining a strong suicide infrastructure at all levels— state, Tribal, local, and territorial.

Simulation in Suicide-Specific Clinical Training: Guidelines for Programs

This document, intended for for universities and clinical training directors, contains guidelines for the development and implementation of simulation-based suicide clinical skills training. The guidelines explore multiple facets of the use of simulation in suicide skills training, including:

  • The benefits of incorporating simulation-based learning
  • Considerations for resource allocation
  • Development of simulation scenarios
  • Training of standardized clients
  • Recommendations for implementation and facilitation of simulation-based learning experiences 

Guidance for Culturally Adapting Gatekeeper Trainings

This tool provides a series of questions to guide the cultural adaptation of gatekeeper training programs and so improve the community ownership, utilization, and effectiveness of the training. Questions in the areas of training delivery, shared group considerations, and follow-up and referral network are included.

Selecting and Implementing a Gatekeeper Training

This tool provides information on gatekeeper trainings. It contains questions and lists of factors to consider that can help users through preparing for, selecting, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining gatekeeper trainings.

Best Practices in Care Transitions for Individuals with Suicide Risk: Inpatient Care to Outpatient Care

Implementation Essentials

This report, designed to build on the Action Alliance’s Recommended Standard Care for People with Suicide Risk and The Way Forward: Pathways to Hope, Recovery, and Wellness with Insights from Lived Experience, presents feasible, evidence-based practices that health systems and providers can take to improve patient engagement and safety during the transition from inpatient to outpatient care.

For more information about the report, including a complementary video and handout, or to learn more about the Action Alliance’s care transitions efforts, visit

R3 Report Issue 18: National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) 15.01.01 for suicide prevention

The Joint Commission realized that suicide rates have not improved over the past decade and has issued updated requirements in order to improve the quality and safety of care for those who are being treated for behavioral health conditions and those who are identified as high risk for suicide. The requirements include screening and assessment guidelines, environmental assessment, follow-up care and safety planning. The Commission indicates specific tools and resources to meet the requirements. This guidance represents an update to the National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) 15.01.01. It supersedes all prior updates.

A Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary and Resources

This document was developed by ensuring that local policies are in line with the latest research in the field of suicide prevention and identifying best practices for a national framework. The model is comprehensive, with modular language that may be adapted to draft policies based on the unique needs of individual districts. The language and concepts in this policy are applicable for levels K-12 as current data has shown an increased (albeit still low) suicide rate for younger children. The model policy promotes a wellness culture that encompasses multiple dimensions, including social and mental health. It encourages the participation of families and communities and is intended to be paired with other initiatives that support the emotional and behavioral well-being of youth.

State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure

This resource provides the first-ever recommendations for a strong state infrastructure to support effective, comprehensive, and sustained suicide prevention. Developed with an advisory panel of experts and stakeholders, it is designed to help state policy leaders assess the status of their current infrastructure and guide policymaking, funding, and administrative decisions accordingly. These guidelines may also be useful to others who support suicide prevention at the federal, state, and local level, including funders, suicide prevention coordinators, coalitions, community organizations, advocates, and researchers.

To stay updated on new tools and content that will be added in the coming months, sign up for SPRC’s new State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure mailing list.

Community support resource for those impacted by gun violence

This resources helps community members identify and support those impacted by mass shootings such as the Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School and Sandy Hook. Milestone anniversaries and heightened media attention have shed light on the lasting impact on communities and individuals involved in these tragic events. While many survivors are resilient, some trauma survivors, loved ones, and community activists may find it challenging to care for not only their own mental health, but the mental health of those around them. It includes suggestions on how to speak to a person at risk and guidelines using the phrase, “checking in, checking up and checking often”.