Youth warning signs

In order to achieve a consensus on warning signs for youth suicide, a panel of national and international experts reviewed and analyzed all available literature and conducted a survey of youth suicide attempt survivors, as well as those who lost a youth to suicide. They then convened to achieve a better understanding of the way youth think, feel, and behave prior to making life-threatening suicide attempts and inform others about how to effectively respond. The main goal was to determine what changes immediately preceded suicide attempts or deaths that are supported by research and rooted in clinical practice. The panel consisted of researchers with experience working with suicidal youth, public health officials, clinicians with experience helping suicidal youth, school teachers, and various other stakeholders including individuals representing national organizations focused on suicide prevention.

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Author: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE); American Association for Suicidology (AAS); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide

Year Published/Updated: 2015

Resource Type: Guidelines/Recommendations