Youth suicide and self-harm prevention: 2017 resource guide

This guide divides selected resources into seven main sections: (1) Organizations, (2) Policy and Legislation, (3) Evidence-Based Practices, (4) Program Planning, (5) Campaigns, (6) Data and Research, and (7) Resources and Publications. There are subsections on (1) Bullying; (2) Family; (3) Electronic, Social, and Mass Media; (4) Mental Health; (5) Schools; (6) Substance Use; (7) Self-Harm; (8) LGBTQ Youth; (9) American Indian/Alaska Native Youth; and (10) Rural Youth. Each topic-specific section contains organizations, webpages, evidence-based practices, workshops, toolkits, reports, fact sheets, archived webinars, and journal articles, which appear in that order. 

See This Resource

Author: Children's Safety Network (CSN)

Year Published/Updated: 2017

Resource Type: Resource List/Bibliography