The practical playbook II: Building multisector partnerships that work
This book expands upon work of the Institute of Medicine commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to convene a committee to assess the opportunity for the agencies to improve population health through integration of primary care and public health. The result of the committee’s work produced the Practical Playbook: Public Health and Primary Care Together, with tools and technologies for collaboration. Since then, multisector collaborations that improve the health of communities have continued to expand. This book builds on that experience to provide a set of tools, methods and examples that support multisector partnerships to improve population health.
See This ResourceAuthor: Michener L, Castrucci BC, Bradley DW, Hunter EL, Thomas CW, Patterson C & Corcoran E. (Eds.)
Year Published/Updated: 2019
Resource Type: Book