Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors (2nd ed.)

This guide provides critical information and practical advice to help funeral directors better serve people who are bereaved by a suicide loss. It also suggests useful resources for suicide loss survivors. The second edition is a collaboration of Education Development Center (EDC) and Samaritans, Inc., with input from funeral directors, psychologists, and suicide loss survivors.

Highlights of the second edition include:

  • Updated information on topics such as common experiences of suicide loss survivors and services that funeral directors should consider providing to them
  • Updated and expanded resource list
  • A new table containing preferred ways to communicate with suicide loss survivors
  • A new section on the role of funeral directors as community leaders
See This Resource

Author: Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and Samaritans, Inc.

Year Published/Updated: 2020

Resource Type: Manual