Suicide prevention efforts for individuals with serious mental illness: Roles for the State Mental Health Authority

This report is the fourteenth in a series of Technical Reports produced by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD). The report outlines the State Mental Health Authority (SMHA) leadership role in preventing suicide among persons with serious mental illness. It suggests ways in which SMHAs can increase collaboration, raise awareness of the signs of suicide, and intervene to save lives.

Developed by the Medical Directors Council of NASMHPD, Suicide Prevention Efforts for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness: Roles for the State Mental Health Authority outlines the leadership role that State Mental Health Authorities can take in preventing suicide among persons with serious mental illness (SMI). It suggests ways in which State Mental Health Authorities can increase collaboration, raise awareness of the signs of suicide, and intervene to save lives. The report is organized into four sections:
1.Epidemiology of mental illness and suicide, including suicide risk factors for those with serious mental illness;
2.Perspectives from survivors of suicide attempts, and family and friends of those who have died by suicide;
3.Overview of the national response to suicide prevention, including specific suicide prevention strategies for specific settings; and,
4.Conclusions and corresponding recommendations regarding a variety of suicide prevention efforts relevant to State Mental Health Program Directors.

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Author: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD)

Year Published/Updated: 2008

Resource Type: Guidelines/Recommendations