National guidelines for seniors’ mental health: The assessment of suicide risk and prevention of suicide

Program Description:
Developed by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH), the National Guidelines for Seniors’ Mental Health: the Assessment of Suicide Risk and Prevention of Suicide provide 38 recommendations regarding the assessment of suicide risk and prevention of suicide in seniors. Each of the recommendations is graded on an A, B, C, D scale, according to its corresponding level of scientific evidence.
Program Objectives:
The objectives of the National Guidelines were to:
1. Identify best-practice guidelines in the area of seniors’ mental health both for Canada and internationally.
2. Facilitate the collaboration of key healthcare leaders within the realm of seniors’ mental health in order to review existing guidelines and the literature relevant to seniors’ mental health.
3. Facilitate a process of partnership where key leaders and identified stakeholders create a set of recommendations and/or guidelines for identified areas within seniors’ mental health.
4. Disseminate the draft recommendations and/or guidelines to stakeholders at the CCSMH Best Practices Conference in 2005 in order to create an opportunity for review and analysis before moving forward with the final recommendations and/or guidelines.
5. Disseminate completed guidelines to health care professionals and stakeholders across the country.

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Author: Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health (CCSMH)

Year Published/Updated: 2007

Resource Type: Guidelines/Recommendations