Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Toolkit

This toolkit is a comprehensive resource for primary care providers working with service members and veterans, promoting accurate screening and diagnosis, symptom management and referrals. It includes the following resources:

  • 1. Provider reference cards and provider pocket card
  • 2. Pocket Cards
  • 3. Booklet: “Depression: Treat It As Your Life Depended On It”
  • 4. CD-ROM: “Taking Control of Depression”
  • 5. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline summary for MDD
  • 6. Tri-fold brochure: depression fast facts
  • 7. VA/DoD essentials for depression screening and assessment in primary care
  • 8. Booklet: “Depression: What You Need to Know”

Copies of the toolkit and supporting materials can be downloaded or ordered from the website.

See This Resource

Author: Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury

Year Published/Updated: 2011

Resource Type: Toolkit