
The JED Campus Program (Campus Program) is a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program and policy development with customized support to build on existing student mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention efforts.

By becoming a member of the Campus Program, a school demonstrates a commitment to the emotional well-being of its students. Campus Program schools embark on a multi-year strategic partnership with JED that not only assesses and enhances the work that is already being done, but helps create positive, lasting, systemic change in the campus community.

Over the course of their participation in the program, Campus Program schools receive:

  • Support in the development of an interdisciplinary, campus-wide team that includes senior leadership to steer this work at their university
  • An in-depth, confidential survey, at the beginning of the program and then again after three years, assessing mental health promotion and substance abuse and suicide prevention efforts
  • Customized feedback reports created by JED’s clinical team after each survey identifying successes and opportunities for enhancement.
  • An onsite meeting with a JED expert to develop a strategic plan tailored to a school’s individual needs that will serve as a roadmap to implement enhancements over the course of the program
  • Ongoing support from a dedicated Campus Manager who provides consultation, guidance and resources to help each school achieve its goals
  • Membership in a nationwide Learning Community – a network of Campus Program schools that share advice and experiences as well as presentations/discussions on specific topics of interest that emerge from JED’s work with Campus Program schools
  • The JED Campus Program membership seal to signify the school’s commitment to student mental health

The cost of the program for each participating school is $6,000 for the four-year commitment, plus the cost of travel for a Campus Program clinician to visit your school.

Today, schools representing more than one million students are engaged in a process of robust assessment and enhancement of their mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention policies, systems and programs through their membership in the Campus Program.

The fee, which represents half of the cost to JED to administer the program, is payable upon registration and is non-refundable

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Author: The Jed Foundation

Year Published/Updated: 2013

Resource Type: Other