Deaths from violence: A look at 17 states. – Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System

This report, the first product of the State Violent Death Reporting System (VDRS) Workgroup, highlights the state-level similarities and differences in the numbers, characteristics and circumstances of deaths from violence. Two-page summaries from each of 17 VDRS states describe the following violent deaths’ data: the frequency; at-risk populations; circumstances; means or methods; and examples of how VDRS data are used to support state and local prevention efforts. In every state except Maryland and the selected sites in California, suicides outnumbered homicides. In Oregon and Utah, the annual number of suicides was more than five times that of homicides.

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Author: Sanford C, Hedegaard H (Eds.)

Year Published/Updated: 2008

Resource Type: Report