Data-based planning for effective prevention: State epidemiological outcomes workgroups

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention has funded State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroups (SEOWs) to assist states, jurisdictions, tribal entities (collectively referred to as states), and communities to adopt and implement the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). The SPF provides a structure for the selection, funding, implementation, and evaluation of substance abuse prevention programming and, under a 2010 funding initiative, mental, emotional, and behavioral health programming.
This publication describes the evolution, structure, and accomplishments of SEOWs as a key component of SAMHSA’s support of states as they address problems related to substance abuse and mental, emotional & behavioral (MEB) disorders. It highlights SEOW successes and offers guidance for providing data to support prevention decision-making in the future at the state and community levels.

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Author: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Year Published/Updated: 2012

Resource Type: Manual