Aiming for zero suicides

This report describes the planning process, implementation, lessons learned, and initial results of an initiative created to develop and improve clinical services and systems organized around a shared vision and ‘zero suicide’ ambition. The project was organized in 2013 by the East of England Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) to develop services and become more focused on supporting those people not in touch with services. Four Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were chosen to run pathfinder sites to improve outcomes for individuals and their carers, with a particular interest in partnerships, addressing clear gaps in services or the transition between services, and demonstrating a commitment to engage ‘hard to reach’ patient groups and patients from ethnic minorities. The launch workshop focused on each area setting ‘Wildly Important Goals’ (WIGs) and stretching targets with optimistic and ambitious expectations, building on approaches developed in the US. This project used many recommended prevention practices, including partnering with a wide array of stakeholders, engaging in data-driven planning, selecting evidence-based or research-informed program components, and using assessment to inform program improvement.


Author: Moulin, L

Year Published/Updated: 2015

Resource Type: Report