A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention

If you are involved in developing or expanding a state- or community-based suicide prevention program, this course is for you. This free online training from SPRC can help you identify issues and populations to focus on, select activities that can effectively prevent suicide, and prioritize your efforts to achieve maximum impact. Regardless of your experience with suicide prevention or strategic planning, using a strategic planning approach is a feasible way to improve your prevention efforts. To bring that approach to life, this training presents a case study that illustrates how a community task force applies the strategic planning process to their work. This course is highly recommended for any professional responsible for suicide prevention in states, communities, organizations, schools, or workplaces.

Handouts for this course include the following:

Developing Goals and Objectives

Finding Help with Evaluation

Overview Strategic Planning Approach

Understanding Risk and Protective Factors 

At a Glance: National Data Sources for Suicide

State and Local Data Sources

See This Resource

Author: Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Year Published/Updated: 2019

Resource Type: Training