The State of State, Territorial, and Tribal Suicide Prevention

March 26, 2021

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark Announcement

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights the importance of building state infrastructure for effective suicide prevention.

In a survey of U.S. states, territories, and Native American tribes, CDC found a diverse array of suicide prevention efforts and key areas for improvement.

The findings reveal opportunities to increase capacity for implementing a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention, as well as a sustainable infrastructure in line with SPRC’s Recommendations for State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure.

To reach the national goal of reducing suicide 20% by 2025, SPRC encourages states and communities to apply the Infrastructure Recommendations, which lay out six essential infrastructure elements for advancing state suicide prevention efforts.

Download a PDF of the recommendations, use the implementation tools, check out real-life success stories, and sign up to receive new related content.