The Good Behavior Game: An Effective Classroom Tool for Suicide Prevention

June 02, 2017

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark Announcement

The Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention (ICRC-S) is hosting a webinar on the effectiveness of the Good Behavior Game as a classroom tool for suicide prevention. Holly Wilcox, associate professor in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and the Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Mental Health, will summarize the evidence behind the Good Behavior Game and describe relevant suicide prevention-related research. Nicole Jobe and Michael D. Longinaker, first grade teachers in the Baltimore City School system, will share how they have used the Good Behavior Game in their classrooms, and describe the benefits and challenges of the program. The webinar will take place on June 8 from 3 to 4 p.m. ET. To register, click here.