Striving for Perfection in Suicide Care: The Zero Suicide Framework

September 02, 2016

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark Announcement

As part of Suicide Prevention Week, Faculty from the Zero Suicide Institute are pleased to participate in a webinar, “Striving for Perfection in Suicide Care: The Zero Suicide Framework,” on September 7 at 2 p.m. ET. This webinar will provide an overview of the Zero Suicide framework and highlight an agency that reduced suicides for those in their care by about 65 percent in two years. Resources for launching and implementing the framework will be shared. Presenters include Julie Goldstein Grumet, director of Health and Behavioral Initiatives at SPRC, in addition to Zero Suicide Institute Faculty Becky Stoll, vice president of Crisis and Disaster Management at Centerstone, and Mike Hogan, principle of Hogan Health Solutions.