NEW YORK: Area Youth Coaches to Engage in Suicide Prevention Campaign

October 27, 2017

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  New York

The Sun

A suicide prevention program in Clinton County is training youth sports coaches how to recognize and respond to young people at risk for suicide. Sponsored by the Clinton County Youth Bureau, the suicideTALK program trains coaches how to start a conversation with young people who appear to be struggling. According to program sponsors, coaches are well-positioned to help prevent suicide because they are often seen as trusted and supportive figures in children’s lives, and can use their suicide prevention training both on and off the sports field. “Although the training is being offered to folks because they coach youth sports, most of our coaches are also a mom or dad, brother or sister, child or friend,” said Clinton County Youth Bureau Supervisor Kim Crockett. “The information they learn from the training could be of benefit in many aspects of their life.”

Spark Extra! Learn more about suicide prevention among youth.