New Study on Sources of Strength

March 21, 2025

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark Research

A new study found that Sources of Strength, a school-based peer-led program, reduced student suicide attempts by 29% in participating high schools.

The researchers used a cluster randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of Sources of Strength in reducing suicide attempts schoolwide and among students with recent exposure to sexual violence.

The trial included 22 high schools that were paired and then randomized to either the Sources of Strength intervention (n=11) for two school years or a wait-listed condition (n=11). Two control schools dropped out prior to completing baseline assessments. Researchers assessed student suicide attempts in four waves: before randomization and at 6-, 12-, and 18-month follow-ups from 2017 to 2019.

The results showed that Sources of Strength reduced suicide attempts among high school students by 29%, including after controlling for student characteristics and recent sexual violence history. The program was also found to be effective in reducing suicide attempts across demographic subgroups. However, further analyses showed these effects may not have extended to students with more severe sexual violence histories.

In addition to these findings, a previous study examining three separate randomized controlled trials of Sources of Strength showed evidence of a statistically significant effect on youth suicide deaths. Taken together, these findings suggest Sources of Strength, and by extension the movement toward upstream, strength-based, and social diffusion strategies, can be key to preventing suicide among youth.

Wyman, P. A., Cero, I. J., Espelage, D. L., Reif, T., Mintz, S., LoMurray, S., Nickodem, K., Schmeelk-Cone, K. H., & Delgado, A. (2025). RCT of Sources of Strength testing impact on suicide attempts and tests of moderation by sexual violence victimization and perpetration. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 68(3), 465–474.

Spark Extra! Check out Sources of Strength in SPRC’s Best Practices Registry.