March 11, 2016

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark Announcement

SPRC has just launched its third set of videos in the series “SPARK Talks: Suicide Prevention, Innovation, and Action.” Each video features two speakers who bring different perspectives on the same topic.

Common Ground: Reducing Gun Access features Cathy Barber, MPA, of Harvard’s Means Matter Campaign, and Ralph Demicco, a former gun shop owner. Barber and Demicco discuss how they and other public health professionals and gun owners joined together to form the Gun Shop Project, with the mission of reducing a suicidal person’s access to guns.

Safe Reporting on Suicide features Dan Reidenberg, PsyD, executive director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) and Candice Madsen, a Utah television producer.Reidenberg explains how the way in which the media covers suicide can impact the lives of others at risk. Madsen shows that it is possible to offer hope and also boost ratings.

We encourage you to use these SPARK Talks when you present on these topics and to share them with your colleagues and post links to them on your Facebook page or website.