New Hampshire’s State Plan Implementation Approach

March 03, 2025

News Type:  From the Field, State Infrastructure
Speaker:  New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s implementation of its state suicide prevention plan provides a powerful example of how coordinated work can result in tangible improvements to a state’s prevention infrastructure. The subcommittee structure of New Hampshire’s Suicide Prevention Council (SPC) helped SPC members focus on ensuring the state plan’s implementation amid competing demands. The SPC maintained trust by publicly reporting on the state of suicide and prevention in New Hampshire, including the progress of the plan’s implementation.

Although the SPC is legislatively mandated, it acts as an independent body. In consultation with state partners, the SPC updates the New Hampshire state suicide prevention plan every three years. Each of the SPC’s seven subcommittees focuses on one or more key areas in the state plan:

  • Communications and public education
  • Data collection and analysis
  • First responders
  • Military and veterans
  • Public policy
  • Survivors of suicide loss
  • Youth

The strong leadership and active participation the subcommittees provide was particularly important before New Hampshire was able to create a state suicide prevention coordinator role. The subcommittees still play a critical role in planning and implementing statewide prevention efforts in concert with the state coordinator.

Each SPC subcommittee focuses on a specific area of the state plan, which helps support their ability to focus on implementing the changes outlined in the plan and improving state infrastructure. For example, the Public Policy subcommittee’s work led to the passage of RSA 193-J, which requires schools to develop suicide prevention policies and training. The subcommittee developed the first draft of the bill, helped solidify bipartisan sponsorship, and advocated at the local and state levels for its passage.

To document the state’s progress on suicide prevention, each year the SPC publishes an annual report that includes accomplishments and suicide-related data. In 2020, the subcommittees and SPC members also evaluated their success in implementing the state plan goals, as well as the subcommittee structure itself. The results were shared broadly, including with the governor and legislature, and incorporated into the next state suicide prevention plan.

A key finding of the 2020 evaluation was that the state plan’s goals need to be more specific and measurable so the subcommittees and the public can see progress—or lack thereof—more easily. The evaluation also highlighted a need to improve coordination among the subcommittees and the SPC. To address these challenges, the SPC is using tools developed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) to clearly identify measurable goals for each subcommittee that align directly with the state plan goals. The SPC will also use New Hampshire’s results from SPRC’s State and Territorial Suicide Prevention Needs Assessment and the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention to build consensus on how they will prioritize their goals.

The state’s new suicide prevention plan will be closely tied to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Service’s (DHHS) 10-year Mental Health Plan to ensure that suicide prevention remains at the forefront of the state government’s behavioral health efforts. Several SPC members served on the state plan development team, further demonstrating the SPC’s influence and leadership in building state prevention infrastructure.

Learn how your state can develop similar infrastructure and read additional examples by visiting the Authorize and Partner essential elements of SPRC’s state Infrastructure Recommendations.