NEW HAMPSHIRE: Zero Suicide Training Offered to Local Health Professionals

November 10, 2017

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  New Hampshire


Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire is hosting a Zero Suicide Academy for local health care professionals at the end of November. Sponsored by Exeter Health Resources, the academy is open to senior health care clinicians and administrators, who will be selected through an application process. Led by Zero Suicide Institute faculty, the two-day event will train participants in the Zero Suicide approach to preventing suicide in health and behavioral health care systems. Training will include best practices in suicide care based on the seven elements of the Zero Suicide approach: (1) lead, (2) train, (3) identify, (4) engage, (5) treat, (6) transition, and (7) improve. “We provide a bundle of evidence-based approaches that when delivered in a bundle become an effective tool to manage cases where suicidal thoughts are suspected,” said Julie Goldstein Grumet, director of Health and Behavioral Health Initiatives at SPRC. “Many health care systems, while very good and well-intentioned, are not very well prepared to deal with suicide. Often they have received little training in the area of suicide prevention.”

Spark Extra! Learn more about Zero Suicide.