MISSOURI: ‘Homefront’ Increases Mental Health Resources for Area Veterans, Families

January 26, 2017

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  Missouri


A new educational program in Missouri seeks to help families of veterans and service members with mental health conditions. Offered by the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the Homefront program is based on the national Family-to-Family program with a focus on issues relevant to military culture. Classes provide information on mental health, coping skills, and available resources, and are taught by veterans who have experienced mental illness or their family members. While the program is open to all service members, NAMI Missouri especially hopes to target families of Army Reserve and National Guard troops, whose part-time status may increase their vulnerability to stress and reduce their access to resources. Since members of the guard and reserve tend to be less connected to the military than full-time service members, Homefront teaches their families about resources and services offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs that they might not normally be aware of.

Spark Extra! Learn more about NAMI Homefront.