INTERNATIONAL: Report: World Support for Mental Health Care Is “Pitifully Small”

November 02, 2018

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News


A new landmark report calls for greater investment in mental health care worldwide. The report comes from the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development, which is made up of researchers, clinicians, and advocates from five continents. According to the commission, access to mental health care is limited throughout the world, particularly in lower-income countries. Compared to other major diseases, global funding for mental illness is very low, which the commission partly attributes to a lack of understanding about the prevalence of mental illness and its impact. The report recommends that countries train community health workers and explore the use of technological tools, such as cell phones, to identify and treat mental illness. It also highlights the need to develop strategies to foster resilience and address prejudice against mental health issues.

Spark Extra! Learn more about the commission and its report.