News & Highlights
This section presents news and highlights from SPRC and the suicide prevention field. Use the filters on the left to find the following items:
- Weekly Spark, SPRC’s online newsletter, containing brief news articles, research summaries, announcements, and funding opportunities. Subscribe to the Weekly Spark.
- Director’s Corner, a monthly column by SPRC leadership and guest authors.
- From the Field, innovative activities being implemented in states, communities, healthcare organizations, and other settings.
- Prevention in Practice stories highlight innovation in suicide prevention.
- Surveillance Success Stories focus on using data to inform suicide prevention efforts.
- State Infrastructure Success Stories highlight real-life examples of states that have built infrastructure essential for advancing suicide prevention.
Displaying 12 results. Refine results using the filters on the left.
Director's Corner

Start with What You Know: Using Data for Suicide Prevention
December 01, 2017
As we approach the 18th anniversary of the first National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, that document’s strategic direction on data and...
Director's Corner

Help SPRC Help You
November 03, 2017
Elly Stout, MS, SPRC Director, Education Development Center, Inc. In my first Director’s Corner, I’m asking for your feedback: help...
Director's Corner

Passing the Torch
October 06, 2017
In my final Director’s Corner, I would like to introduce you to SPRC’s new director, Elly Stout. Although new to...
Director's Corner

Faith, Hope, & Life
September 08, 2017
September is the month when those of us who work in suicide prevention make a special effort to reach out...
Director's Corner

Get Ready for School
August 04, 2017
August is a time when many people head to the beach or mountains to take a well-deserved break from their...
Director's Corner

Looking Past the Complexity
July 07, 2017
We often describe suicide as a complex problem that requires complex solutions. But sometimes a simple gesture can make a...
Director's Corner

Sustaining Success
June 02, 2017
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) staff have had the privilege of working with Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act (GLS) grantees for the...
Director's Corner

Learning from California
May 05, 2017
This month, I am proud to announce the publication of Creating Linguistically and Culturally Competent Suicide Prevention Materials. This new SPRC...
Director's Corner

Changing the Story
April 07, 2017
I’m a commuter. Twenty-five miles and approximately an hour (two or three when it snows) one way every day for...
Director's Corner

Changing the Prevention Paradigm
March 03, 2017
In 2012, I had the honor of working with former Surgeon General Regina Benjamin and a strong and able team...
Director's Corner

One Issue, One Goal
February 03, 2017
In January, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) announced that it will join with others to reduce the annual...
Director's Corner
Community Interventions to Reduce Suicide in Later Life
January 06, 2017
We in the field of suicide prevention have worked hard to educate health care providers, policymakers, and the public about...