University of Memphis

University of Memphis
Garrett Lee Smith Campus

The University of Memphis is an urban university in the mid-south with an enrollment of more than 21,000 students. Approximately 50 percent of the students are considered high-risk for behavior and mental health problems, including those associated with suicide and suicidal behavior. In response to an institutional assessment of campus resources and needs related to behavioral and mental health issues associated with suicide, the University of Memphis will implement Memphis STEPS2(Suicide Training, Education, and Prevention Services), a comprehensive and coordinated campus suicide prevention initiative.

The program centers around: (1) educating students, faculty, staff and the broader university community (i.e., parents, families) about suicide, mental and behavioral health problems (e.g., depression and substance abuse) associated with suicide as well as prevention and intervention resources and services available within the university community to address these problems; (2) developing and implementing training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals suffering with behavioral/mental health problems (e.g., suicidal ideation, depression) for various segments of the university community, including students enrolled in helping professions, such as nursing, clinical and counseling psychology; (3) evaluating the efficacy of the various educational and training activities, programs and services that will be offered as part of this initiative, in promoting mental health and preventing suicide on campus; and (4) developing an organizational structure that includes coordinated programs and services to sustain the initiative.