United Indian Health Services, Inc.

Ko'l ho koom'mo (Yurok- Working Together)
Garrett Lee Smith Tribal

United Indian Health Services, Inc. (UIHS) will implement culturally appropriate prevention and early intervention strategies through education program to address suicide and suicidal ideation of American Indian (AI) clients age 10-24 living in Northwestern California. Prevention efforts will include evidence-based training and education to youth, families, community members, health care providers, school and other educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, foster care systems, substance abuse and mental health programs and other child and youth serving providers that address suicide risks and interventions.

Goals of the project include: (1) 75% of 200 persons in youth serving organizations will indicate an increase in knowledge and skills in suicide identification, referral systems and community resources for AI youth and communities, (2) 75% of 200 health, mental health and substance abuse providers will indicate an increase in knowledge about suicide assessment, management and treatment, (3) Increase referral and follow-up with youth who are identified by family, tribal, and community members as at risk for suicide to behavioral health care services by 50%, and (4) Increase follow-up with youth identified as at risk for suicide discharged from emergency department and inpatient psychiatric units to provide a seamless approach to continuity of care by 50%, (5) 2-3 Tribal Programs and 3-5 schools will adopt policy establishing referral procedures when an at-risk youth is identified.

UIHS will utilize a combination of the Native Helping Our People Endure (HOPE), a best practice youth suicide prevention program and/or Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) a peer training and community building curriculum, as well as Sources of Strength utilizing the power of peer social networks and QPR Gatekeeper training model for suicide prevention. Combining these programs UIHS will implement a campaign to provide a strong community based approach through education and facilitation by: improving systems and trainings for referrals, implementing strategic plans addressing suicide prevention with tribes, reducing stigma surrounding suicide and obtaining behavioral health services and improving continuity of care post-discharge.

UIHS, founded in 1970, is a primary health care organization that includes behavioral health, outreach, and a strong health education program.