Emory University

Emory University
Garrett Lee Smith Campus

Emory CARES, a universal and selective suicide prevention effort, will be collaboratively designed and implemented through community engagement. At-risk groups for selective efforts will be students who are: male, international, Asian descent, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/questioning, college seniors, and graduate/professional.

Specific goals are to: (1) ensure that a diverse group of students, staff, faculty, and administrators receive gatekeeper training and design and implement gatekeeper programs targeted to Emory; (2) strengthen Emory’s infrastructure through enhancing orientation activities, creating a suicide response and prevention plan and a formal suicide tracking and surveillance system, and expanding the screening efforts; (3) create and provide innovative, culturally relevant videos, community presentations, skills training seminars, and courses for undergraduate and graduate/professional students; (4) have a suicide prevention hotline available 24/7/365 and enhanced helpline volunteer training; (5)develop and disseminate comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and easily accessible informational materials through innovative technologies on the web and brochures; and (6) create and disseminate educational materials (e-newsletters, brochures, website) for students’ families and friends related to suicide prevention.

An assessment will ascertain if the prevention efforts are associated with increased service utilization among individuals with suicidal behavior, particularly at-risk groups; overall reductions in suicidal ideation/attempts; greater knowledge among community members regarding suicide and its prevention; reductions in stigma associated with suicide and service use; and cultural transformation.